Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence at Work


Emotional Intelligence competencies are highly influential determinants of personal and corporate competitive advantage and it is now accepted that unlike IQ, 'Emotional Intelligence' (EQ) can be developed. This workshop will help you develop your EQ.

Programme Content

  • Analysis of online EI profile
  • Action plan:
    • Lists strengths identified in the report and consider how they contribute value to personal leadership performance.
    • Identify strategies that can be used immediately to increase effectiveness, build empathy and increase resilliance.
    • List key development areas and decide on actions to address this challenge and consider how your behaviour impacts on others.
    • Make plans to discuss the report with a trusted advisor, pay particular attention to those areas describing attitudes and behaviours that raise questions. Ask for feedback and suggestions for alternative behaviours that may prove more effective in achieving goals.

Participants will bring their online profile to the workshop.

Duration & Mode of Delivery

In this one day workshop you will analyse the results from your ‘Emotional Intelligence’ profile and you will know how to develop: self-awareness, confidence, self-reliance, self-actualization, assertiveness, relationships skills, empathy, self-control, flexibility and optimism

Who should attend?

This course is suitable for anyone who wants to build work and personal relationships by building their emotional intelligence.